The BPO that you wish to work for
These questions basically depend on the type of business that the BPO caters to. Before going for a BPO interview, make sure that you have decided which BPO you wish to work for – whether it is voice oriented or non voice oriented.
Where have you worked before?
Seriously speaking, working in a BPO is quite different from working in a company. In a company, everyone is working on the same product, assignment and process, while in a BPO the person next to you would be working on a different process. Many people working in a company take a long time to adapt to the working cultures of the company and working for a BPO.
What is a BPO?
This question basically checks the awareness of the individual, and also tries to find out whether the person has really done any kind of homework before applying for the job and appearing for the interview. BPO stands for Business Process Outsourcing, which basically means the outsourcing of various business processes.
What is a Call Center?
There is a general misconception that call centers are BPOs and BPOs are call centers. This misconception exists because call centers maybe one of the very first processes in a company that were openly outsourced. A call center is basically a company, organization or institution that handles the service center, or sales center of any company. The call center will either handle the sales or the service of a company.
Refer to the articles – Call Center Interview and Help Desk Interview Questions at the Customer service job interview tips category
What are an inbound call center and an outbound call center? What is the difference between the two?
There is a very logical difference between inbound and outbound call centers. An inbound call center will only allow a call to be made to the call center while an outbound call center will allow the call to go out of the office. Inbound call centers are basically call centers that handle companies’ service departments, while outbound call centers handle the call center’s sales service.
These are just some of the questions that can be asked during a BPO interview.
You can find additional useful information in – customer service interview , team leader interview articles and in the Frequently asked interview questions category.
Make sure that you are ready and confident when answering these kinds of questions, and many other questions that you will be asked.